Redwood City Building and Remodeling Information
In the 1850s, Redwood City was renowned for its port for shipping lumber. While the local lumber industry has been replaced by high tech companies and a population of about 75,000 people, the port continues to thrive. Redwood City encompasses about 35 square miles and includes some unincorporated areas within San Mateo County. In unincorporated areas, building permits are handled through the County of San Mateo.
City of Redwood City
1017 Middlefield Road
Redwood City, CA 94063
Main Telephone: 650.780.7000
Planning Department
Building Department
Green Building in Redwood City
The Redwood City Green Building Code, enacted in 2010, is enforced through plan review and inspections, and relies on Build It Green guidelines for new home construction and additions greater than 1000 square feet.

Home Remodeing

Kitchen Design